Rennes School Of Business

Paris, Rennes, France


Rennes School of Business is a triple-crowned School of Management (EQUIS, AACSB, AMBA) located in France. With a programme portfolio taught in English, 55% of Students coming to study from all across the world and 95% of faculty members being non-French, Rennes School of Business is a truly Global School of Management where diversity is experienced by everyone on campus.  SUSTAINABLE EXECUTIVE MBA is offered in RENNES.  iMBA programme begins in RENNES and carries on in PARIS.

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AACSB AMBA EQUIS Qualiopi (French)


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Combining my Executive MBA with my start-up company was a very intense challenge, but the experience was very enriching. Well beyond the training provided, (which was my initial goal!) meeting people with very different backgrounds truly broadened my horizons. I met a lot of great people… and even recruited the COO of my company!
Cathy LESAGE President, RUBYCAT-Labs
I joined the Executive MBA at the same time I co-founded a SaaS software start-up company. I was transitioning from a CTO to a CEO position with an orchestrating role. I had the profile of a technical engineer and I lacked management and strategic development skills. The EMBA has enabled me to get a year ahead in operations for developing my company, thanks in particular to the course in Leadership, HR Management, Financial Strategy and above all Major Innovation, which guided me in my product development choices. It was also a great humanexperience with a variety of very different profiles among my fellow students.
Dominique PERE Strategy/Director Digital Platforms, Data 4 Digital
The Executive MBA programme provided the steppingstone that I needed in order to progress in my career. It gave me the tools to be able to reach my goals. More than just learning how to lead a company to success, the programme taught me how to operate in an international environment. Thanks to its unique teaching methods, bringing different students from different countries together, each of us shared our experiences and cultural differences while striving for excellence.
Sandra LEFLOCH Country Manager France, DISPROQUIMA